I spent another day outdoors today at
Stave Hill Ecological Park. This after a whole day yesterday spent indoors at The Albany, when I attended a symposium organised by Entelechy Arts on ‘Older People, Isolation and Civic Engagement’. The key issues raised by the speakers, all relevant to Meet me at the Albany and other projects I’ve been working on with the
organisation, were still very much on my mind today as I walked through the park. Here are some of these…
How can the arts, museums and library spaces be more fully used as places where isolated people can become valued, contributing and visible members of their neighbourhoods and communities? – Entelechy Arts
On shared vulnerability between
artists and older participants: how can we allow for falling (and failure) and
make a space for this in our practice? - Vicky Amedume
Telling stories is a means of
survival – David Slater
The best part of a relationship
(personal and professional) is the fantasy of what might be – Jai Channa
What makes life worth living
(when we are old and frail and unable to care for ourselves)? – Danny Ruta
The older participant challenge:
How can we individually make change? If not now, when? What we do now is our
inheritance, let’s not waste it! – Lillian Bartholomew